
So it’s summer and that means less writing and more lazing around the house, reading all the books and trips to the creek.

This is my last summer before both my girls are in school. So once school starts at the end of august, both of my girls will be gone and it’ll just be me in the house with the dogs. I’m still not sure how I feel about this, but because of this, I’m actively forgoing any type of writing in order to spend more time with them. Being silly. All of us napping on my bed. Answering “would you rather” questions, or “what is your favorite” questions, or “what would you do if” questions.

This doesn’t mean that I’m not going forward with Carnival Ink. It is the one thing I am working on. Revisions are hard and going deep but I still hope to have it ready to query by the end of the month. I have my trusty beta reader/critique partner all ready to go forth once I finish the rewrites, which I have admittedly been avoiding because I know just how hard it is going to be. I will persevere though. I will.

So that’s it really. Not much more to report. It’s summertime and the living is easy, as they say.  So to make up for what is clearly a lackluster blog, here’s a pic of my Ash at the creek. She may be tiny but she is certainly a water dog 🙂


Visiting the creek

It’s that time of the year, the weather is warm and the sky is blue and it’s time to go see what the winter rains did to the creek. Every year it’s a little bit changed. But every year we love it all the same.


This year wee made our first trek through the brambles on a Sunday afternoon. The dogs came with us. It was our very on tiny slice of heaven. We found new growth like this little fern in the middle of a stretch of rocks. We found deer tracks from a momma and a baby.


The water was freezing but it didn’t stop my daughters from playing in it, swimming where they could, and splashing where it wasn’t quite as deep. The dogs had a blast, I had a blast, my daughters had fun. It was lovely. We even had our own little blessing in the form of a gorgeous green and blue dragon fly landing on my husband’s chest for a few moments.  (Also, he took the pictures. The man is a genius with a smart phone camera)

Our creek is one of my favorite places on earth. It’s fun for exploring and for daydreaming. And I really think everyone should get to play in a creek, it’s good for the soul.

To the creek!



It’s our spring and summer battle cry, and even when it’s not something we planned to do on a particular day, when the creek is involved, fun is ahead.

We were doing yard work. We were only going to check out the path to see how much we would have to clear this year. We were not going to jump in the freezing cold water. Yeah… two guesses how well that played out.

In the end the girls got soaked. I got soaked. And the dog..oh the sand she brought home with her. But it was worth it. Totally worth it. We had visits by a butterfly and had the first dragon fly sighting of the year. We found our biggest piece of petrified wood to date. And we found the most gorgeous rock.


It looks like there is a constellation on it. Or the beginnings of a fossil. I had to bring it home to add to our collection. And I’m planning on placing the giant piece of petrified wood into a succulent garden. The creek is our place. A happy Saturday afternoon, a fun and wet Sunday evening, even a wienie roast on a Friday night. And even when the water is still too cold (like yesterday) and the kids are still in their pjs (again like yesterday) the creek leaves us all with a smile on our face, and sand in our toes.


*Author’s note. Both pictures were taken by my dear hubs who is an amazing amateur photographer.